Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Take a Break

I have sat down here this morning to write a very specific post about some discussions I have been having over the last few days and instead I have decided to take a break. I am not going to post for a week.

I think I want to ask myself a couple of questions, like, why am I blogging, also I check the sitemeter thingy far too often, so I know I have an issue with playing to an audience.

I think I want this to be fresh and inspired, not just a daily rant, although if I want to rant, this is where I would do it, as this is meant to be me expressing me.

I digress again, I also do notice that I have started to use the same language and sayings in my posts, I suppose it just feels a bit samey. Maybe in a week I will still write about tithing ( which was what I was going to write about) or take off the sitemeter or have a new template, I don't know. Maybe it will be exactly the same. Bye.

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