If you don't know, Tanya is pregnant again, she had a scan a couple of weeks ago, we will be having another girl, we didn't mind, but I suppose another girl helps on the practical side of things, 2 boys, 2 girls, brilliant, eh?
Last night Tanya and I were officially commissioned as street pastors, which is good, really still enjoying this and where Tanya is pregnant, she is doing the intercessing side of things at the moment, so we have both sides of things covered there.
The YC started up again on Friday after an Easter break, new challenges there, as number 1 the young people who are coming now are younger, as the older ones are moving off to other things and we have to start making new relationships. Number 2, it is summer time, the young people prefer to be out than in ( I don't blame them ), so we will probably be doing the YC in its current format for a couple more weeks and then we will do something 'different', until September, when we start again.
On Sunday, David, who is a young lad who came to the YC and through it started to come to church, was baptised, I and another had the privilege and it was a blessing.
This week I helped, and may it be the beginning of something weekly, at the 'Kadesh Farm Project', they are doing a great thing, but for me on a personal basis, it was good to some good old fashioned manual labour, I enjoyed it, I am stung and have a bit of a tan, all good.
So, we need to move, to a bigger house.
Work ???????
I would like to study something, but...?????
Finances, planning, I just don't know.
What I do know, is we will be moving this year, we will have another child, Tanya will be a qualified hairdresser and God is in it all, He has it planned out already and I am living in His freedom, bring it on.
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