Thursday, 14 May 2009

Writing it Down

I feel like I am on a bit of a roll again with this old blogging lark, quite enjoying sitting down again and splurging my thoughts on to the page. I feel a bit of freedom as well from not having the site meter on the page, I am no longer looking to see who is on, who is tuning in, I am doing this, expressing me, not preaching at you, thinking and I suppose to a certain extent hoping that some people out there get something from these words. Anyway, enough of the mindless drivel.

I am also feeling Tanya and I are on a bit of a roll in our prayer life, we don't want to stop, we are really having some great times of sharing and building and dealing with real issues, in our life now and in the past, with God's help.

I have for ages kept a book for prayer, to remind me of people who need peayer and those who have asked me, because my memory is rubbish, even as I write this I have just remembered someone I said I would pray for and I need to write name down, or I will forget again.

I have felt what would be a good idea, as tanya and I are spending this time together, is to write down the stuff we feel God is saying to us, a reminder for when we trip up, a reminder for when we don't think God speaks to us, a reminder for when everything looks bleak, something to learn and grow from, to make sure it goes in.

In other words, I was writing down the stuff I want to say to God, now I am going to write down the stuff He says back.

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