Wednesday 7 October 2009

Food 2

Tonight I am starting something new, even though I have said I won't be starting anything new right now, except this. Tonight I am cooking for the youth, that is the youth of the church and any other youth that turn up, that includes any we have invited from schools or YC or anything else. So tonight is a trial run, I am cooking, in future there will be a rota, but for tonight the simplest way to work out if something can be run simply, is put someone simple in charge, ie me.

There is no big plan to this meal, it is what it says on the packet, a meal. as I have said before it is a time to eat and share what is going on in our lives, a family meal, which unfortunately is missed in many families nowadays.

I am cooking chilli with jacket potatoes, nice and simple good fayre, hopefully and pryaerfully I won't give anyone food poisoning, although I have someone with me who is food hygiene qualified, to cover the health and safety angle. I hope and pray it goes well, please pray too, just for a great atmosphere and for God to be really in it.

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