Thursday 1 October 2009


I was speaking yesterday, which I really enjoyed, I am enjoying growing into speaking and just getting confident in sharing and delivering a message.

One of the points I made yesterday, was about Prince Charles. When he wakes in the morning, he does not stop and think 'Am I a prince?' He knows he is, things that he does during his day and his life, will reflect on his family and who he is as a prince, he has been trained in how to act as a prince in different situations, he has the responsibility of a prince. But the fact is, and he knows it and he can't do a lot about it, is, he is a prince. He is a prince, because his mum is the queen.

I think as a christian, we need to recognise, we are princes, because our heavenly father is King. We are children of God. We need to recognise who we are and then move on to our training or discipleship, as princes of the kingdom. We can't earn our princedom, the trips and falls in our lives never stop us being the princes we are, they are part of our life and training.

What was pointed out to me yesterday, was that in the parable of the prodigal son, when the son comes home, he offers to work, the father has none of it, he welcomes his child home and puts on a party. This is God's response to us when we come back to Him, why do so many of us get caught up in trying to earn it. We have been set free, live in freedom.

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