I like Doctor Who, Tanya and my boys like Doctor Who, something we all watch together, a positive about tv, I'm not particularly enamoured with tv, a bit of a time waster, but the same can be said about the internet, give it your time and see what it gives back.......anyway I digress, Doctor Who, Saturday night, based in New York, the end has a pig man being given sanctuary in Hooverville in Central Park....keep up......The Doctor then quotes the inscription from the Statue of Liberty, which reads;
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door."
It comes from the poem 'The New Colossus' by Emma Lazarus. I looked it up on the internet.
I thought of Mother Theresa, and looked up her biography, she reached out, but she has her critics because of her stand on certain issues, I try to think of others who reach out or open their arms to the world, does it always come at a price. Like the USA now, is the lamp still lit, for the poor, tired, homeless, tempest tossed refuse, or is there now a price or a shut door?
What about me or any church, or mission, is the door still open, or are we full?
Do we love, or do we love with conditions?
What Was the point of the good samaritan? Why did Jesus use a Samaritan in His parable, a hated figure?
Did the Samaritan ask the man if he was a fellow Samaritan, if he was rich or poor, if he was good or bad, sexually immoral, have any infectious diseases, leprosy?
Did he judge him, question him, throw rhetoric at him?
What did Jesus say about this Samaritan, non jew, obviously unGodly man,showing unconditional, undeserving, unbiased love for his fellow man:
Luke 10;37 'Go and do likewise'
Who was running the terminal Saturday night while you were watching Doctor Who? ;)
homer simpson was in charge
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