Wednesday, 24 March 2010


After speaking on Sunday, someone approached me and said they had a word for me. They said, in a more descriptive way than I am going to put it, they believed God was saying to me, to put my energies into 2 distinct ministries and run with them, not getting tempted into getting involved with other things.

I see this as a very sensible word and one wich I have been challenged and thinking about since, in a positive way. I am aware that I have a large family and a job, I am also aware that I have my fingers in this and that, concentrating on 2 things is a good idea.

The first thing I thought of when the person started praying for me on Sunday was Street Pastors. When the person had finished praying, they said the same thing. I really feel that I am meant to bring street pastors to Diss and believe it is God's plan.

But what else, what goes and what stays. Funnily enough, I do feel, right now, that speaking is not the thing I should be concentrating on. It is something I have dreamed of doing, enjoy doing and feel I do relatively well at, yet I want to be able to bring more to the table when I do speak and this means getting my hands dirty first, in other words concentrating on things more practical now and being able to share more vocally later. I continue to think and pray and ask the questions about all I am involved in.

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