I have been reading my brothers blog, he is going to give condoms out in welcome packs to workers arriving in ibiza, where he is based doing God work. What a storm this has caused, mainly over the assumption that by doing this he is condoning sin(or condoming sin, haha).
Amazing how quickly people are ready to jump on to making a comment about something like this, and how quick to judge, or come from this wonderful righteous position, that has endeared christians to the world. Might as well go on that course Ned Flanders from the simpsons went 'how to be more judgemental'. John 3:17 'For God did not send His Son into the world to
condemn the world, but to save the world through him.'
Millions in the third world have AIDS, many would have been saved from that if one denomination of christianity had allowed them to use condoms. People will say we did not want them to sin, well now they will die. What would Jesus do.
Jesus would spend time with people, talk to them , eat with them, teach them and point them in the right direction(back to God), he would love them, forgive them, heal them and save them. He would know them inside and out, yet still he never condemned. And the fact of the matter remains that the people Jesus had a problem with were those who condemned, those who judged, those who enforced the
rules and made it as difficult as possible for us to come to God, those who sat in power, with wealth and training and education and knew the scriptures and knew how to be a good Jew. Yet they never knew God.
Isn't it amazing how things like to repeat themselves. Where would Jesus be.
I was listening to Premier radio the other day, a program from the states, there was a discussion going on about sending your children to christian college or a secular college. As I listened to some great christians speaking, I realised that some of their kids are home schooled in a christian home or go to a christian school, then go to a christian college and then onto seminary, after which they can get a nice job in a good church. I heard one of the leaders say this was best.
What a pile of crap. This is where you get condemnation from, this is where you get more rules from, this is where you put up more barriers to knowing God. The very barriers Jesus came to knock down. How far away from the lost can you get, talk about ignoring Jesus words. But we have to protect our children, I hear some say. Then bring them up in Jesus, pray for them and send them out there in Jesus name. And God will be in it. This is just one example, but seriously look at things, have you become the judge, well its not you. Do I look down on the world or should I have compassion and love for the world. Well what would Jesus think.
I noticed I sometimes do this judging thing, looking in car windows for disabled stickers for cars that are parked in the disabled spaces, so I can moan at people. Oh bully for perfect me, I can point out someones flaws. That is the point, why am I doing it. Yes it winds me up, and they shouldn't, BUT I AM NOT THE JUDGE.
Doing Gods work is not being God, thats his job. Should people get condoms in a welcome pack. Will it save lives, will it open doors, will it break down barriers. Yes. Don't condemn, condom.