Wednesday, 13 June 2007

but seriously

Sorry no picture, I'm angry.

I am tired, which means this week, I have been moody and horrible, this week I have shouted and intimidated other drivers on the road, I shouted down my managers at work, I was venomous, I had a right go at Tanya and warned my young peoples group that I ahd no patience. I have been told I am very intimidating, the look on my face, my size, the way the Ulster accent comes back as I get louder, and I get loud, and I have always used this. I have been honest and told people how I feel, after I have screamed at them, I have apologised, told them how I feel, felt bad, cause I know I am wrong. The biggest point I have is honesty and knowing I am wrong, and trying all I can to work the other way, to understand, tell the truth, being humble, really trying to learn from Jesus.

Then I read on someone elses blog, about G W Bush serving God on his knees while fighting a war on terror.

Now I have never made political comments on this blog, I don't want to, I recognise the world is dark, and when you look at what the media throws at you, it is very dark. I want to look at where I can shine the light of Jesus, BUT....................................

Fighting a war on terror while serving Jesus on your knees is pure ignorance.

Where is the love, try explaining Jesus to an orphan in Iraq or Pakistan, He would be a God of hate and pain. Try explaining the righteous act to the Christians in those countries, in fact, well done George for encouraging islam, Christians in these countries have been reduced by over 70%. This so called war has been seen as a crusade, churches are being burnt down, Christians are being killed, so that the Christians ion Christian countries can feel safe. Did it not occur to you at any point in the scriptures that as a Christian, you are not meant to be in your comfort zone, it is meant to be a challenge and that we may be persecuted. I believe that Jesus told us to love our enemies. Full stop. Not pre emptively kill them. But, but nothing, where does it say in the new testament to kill to forward His name, it does not. I understand the need to protect and even show force, as I understand diferent cultures, to not do so can be seen as weakness. To claim that to cause more death than a ruthless dictator is somehow serving God, disgusts me. When I am angry, and act out that anger, He who is in me reminds me that is not the way to be. Someone try to justify so many deaths..............

I am not going to go there tonight on the death penalty and so many more ignorant little media driven so called right wing Christian groups and ideas, that choose to ignore Jesus and just pander to our own fears, hates, lusts and misconceptions. Please open your eyes and ask yourself where is Jesus in this, please.

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