Friday, 15 June 2007

carry weight

I have been a bit silly at work. I have struggled this week, I have been tired, angry, moody and silly. I have been caught out, doing something silly, unfortunately there are those at work who are petty, and are building empires, and I try to stand up for others and so have become a target. I stuck a computer lead for a speaker from where it should be to another, so I could show someone something funny on the internet, an electrician saw me, and has reported me. So I put my hands up, and have said, yea, that was silly, I should not have done that. It seems this is not good enough. I am afraid I have spoken out too often and now on Tuesday I am in front of a disciplinary panel.
I can accept I am wrong, I can accept the warning I am probably going to get.
Now its starting to play on my mind, what if they want to go over the top, make an example of me, suspend me, sack me, not that this could really happen, but its in my mind, and then there is my reaction, trying to get back at these petty people ( thats petty isn't it) , trying to argue my point, trying to point out that certain individuals do not like being challenged, and react badly to that. Anyway.........
This is all in my mind, and probably will be till Tuesday, I want to let go of this weight, I really have to give this to Jesus.

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