I have been putting myself under a bit of pressure lately, am I doing enough, am I being a light in my workplace, am I watching or reading the right things on the tv, or newspapers or books, am I doing enough in the church, what about me losing my temper while driving, setting an example for the youth in our group, bringing Jesus into converstions with those I know, etc................
I can beat myself up inside sometimes when I don't feel I am getting it right, I can feel guilt for screwing up, yet again
When I was coming into work tonight I was listening to Delirious, Mission Bell, on the stereo in the car, there is a song, the last song on the album, I'll see you when you when I get there, there is a wonderful line, 'Running without fear, born to rest in your Fathers arms'.
I really had a sense of peace come over me, of knowing I am in His arms, where I am meant to be.
I then was reading Blue Like Jazz, by Donald Miller, and he has a wonderful chapter on Grace. About the amount of pressure he put himself under during a phase of Christian fundamentalism he went through, fasting every Monday, not watching tv, not smoking his pipe, reading the bible every day. He failed.
We all fail, we all fall, but we love because we were first loved, and that is a love that will never fail, will never fall. We will never be able to earn it, it is Grace, freely given, and freely acccepted, that will continue to change us as love can only do. I can do nothing to earn it, nothing.
I am changed and changing because I am in love, I will not be brought down through guilt and shame that has been taken from me, I am free.
Love changes, love builds, love strengthens, we will do anything for love.
In Revelation 2:4, it talks of forsaking your first love. We must remember our first love, remember the passion, remember where we have been, and where we are now going, remember that we are loved, we can not earn it, we live with it, bursting from us.
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