I can't do photos at the moment, so I am going to be impressive with words, haha. I am going to do a series, which is quite a big thing for me, as what I put down here is usually how I feel, and I just let it flow, now I want to write some stuff on music, I'm going to do research and try over the next week to be daily!!!!
The reason I want to write about music, is about seeing or in this case hearing God in everything, I love all sorts of music, and it strikes me more and more, God is there, it does not seem to matter what genre, love songs that can be sung to God, dance tracks that sound like worship, the who does not seem to matter ( not the band), God is in the one liners, or epic masterpieces.
I can see that alot of popular music was born out of blues/jazz/soul/gospel, and there is a lot to be said of this musics birth being closely linked to the freedom gained from slavery and a people ready to express openly their feelings for God, and popular music has borrowed from these genres so often, that maybe God has stuck to these new interpretations. I am going to have a look.
I also want to talk about the dark side to this, TV has things on that should not be watched, the internet has so much good, and yet so much not so good. Is music the same, I think so, maybe it is more personal with music, am I being paranid or over critical. We will see.
I have some work to do.
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