Tuesday, 30 September 2008

More Barrier Breaking

At the youth meeting the other night, we watched the nooma episode ' Lump ' . Brilliant. He explains that nothing we can do will make God love us any less, nothing can seperate us from God, loosely based on Romans 8: 38-39, It was really good. We then watched a film of an event at an american church, where people came on to the stage with a piece of card, with a written confession or illness or weakness on it. They then turned it over to reveal what God had changed that into. For instance, a woman diagnosed with incurable cancer in 2000, alive and well in 2008, an addict, now clean, etc.........

A real show of how God turns darkness into light, how shame and guilt have no hold over His people. At our meeting, we then did the same. Such great honesty was shown by so many people, these pieces of card, with so much pain and crap, and dark places that was written down and shown to everyone was such a victory. Then to see on the other side of these pieces of paper the way God had turned these situations around, was phenomenal.

Barriers broken down, shame and guilt destroyed, Jesus at work.

As a wonderful footnote, the young girl who came to church on Sunday, has given her life to Jesus.Victory...........

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