Monday, 12 November 2007

To do list

This Friday night the youth cafe starts at our church, I'm busy.
I really wanted this to happen, I have pushed for it, planned for it, prayed for it, I really think this is important. I really want to be reaching out to the young people in this town, to let them know we are here.
That is the biggest thing, being there, letting people know we are there, for them.
I am going to have a busy week, I really want everything to be all right , I have people in place, I have tv's and music to check out, I have tuck to buy. I want people to turn up, I need to give out more fliers.
I really need God in this, I need Him to be there now and on Friday night. I really need Him to be in this and for this to be about Him and His will. Thanks God for the oppurtunity to do this, thankyou for the trust of your family, I really need their continued support, anyone reading, I would really appreciate your prayer.


KJG said...

John, thanks for the envouragement as per! Its nice to know i have all my mates behind me. Life is a struggle sumtimes.. and i forget things that are important sumtimes and also feel down coz i dont no the answer. Thanks for the support dude...

I hope all goes well with the youth cafe. Im sure it will be a success.. Dont worry if its quiet to start with or things dont go to plan.. these things sumtimes take time to build... and im sure it will take off.. ill pray for it!

hope u and tanya nad the boys are well.. tell them im asking for them


KJG said...

nearly forgot ur little one! sumtimes forget u have 3 kids! lol

spk to u soon