Friday, 17 October 2008


Difficult subject to talk about, it shouldn't be but it is, anyway I was not sure how to write about this, so I have gone to how Jesus responded to women, to explain myself.

Firstly, when Jesus spoke to the Samaritan woman at the well, the woman who had been married five times and was living with another man, a woman with a reputation, He spoke to the person, He spoke to her heart. The danger with lust is you stop seeing people, you only see their body and you only think of that person in your terms of what is going on in your mind, you fail to see the person. Then you bring that into the home and can even stop seeing the person you are with as a person, and start seeing them as an object. Subtle destruction, where a relationship is not then built on all the things it is meant to be, love, respect, friendship, intimacy, etc.., it is built on what someone can get out of it, selfish desire, what the world says you deserve, rather than being a relationship.

I can write that again, but I won't , with everytime I have written 'you', I can put 'I'.

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