Wednesday, 17 December 2008

2 Hats

Just following on from a thought about a comment yesterday, should we have more than one hat, more than one face.

Should I have a work hat, a social hat, a youth club hat, man on the street hat, Dad hat, husband hat or church hat?

Shouldn't I just be me wherever, but am I?

Or as Paul says

1 Corinthians 9:22To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some.

Should I be all things, anything?

Or is it just a case of being me, but regulating the quantity of me, depending on the situation?

I personally think I should always be me, but I also think it is about being sensitive to others, yet as I write this I don't know if I believe that, is that just a kop out? What happens when somebody from one part of my life, enters into another part? Who or what do they see?

Random blogging questioning thoughts, I suppose? Or something deeper maybe?

I also think of me as someone who is sensitve to others, so maybe being me in certain situations is being weak to the weak?? And me being louder in a lot of situations is me as well? All things to all people? Is that not us all?

Too many questions.


Anonymous said...

Reading you and your wife's comments I think that maybe you get the impression that I don't believe in what you are trying to do which is far from the truth...

I applaud the idea that someone has gotten off of their backsides and is helping kids in this way, if only to give them something to do.

It's certainly aspirational although I could never find the time that it would take to try something like this myself in my home town (maybe someday).

I like to think of myself as a collection of hats...

Or simply hat stand :-)

I guessed I implied that I thought you had to be completely different as a person which is not what I meant.

I am not the same with my work colleagues as I am with my children..

My colleagues would act very strangely to me if I were to sing the Bob the Builder song to them whenever I thought they would smile... :-)

Conversely my kids don't appreciate well written spreadsheets and whether or not we've met our targets this month.

I see having more than one hat as an advantage, or multi-faceted to the needs of my peers, friends, children, wife...not being two-faced or deceitful in any way.

>>>To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some.

That's what I meant really :-)

I guess the bible can say in one sentence what I meant in 3 paragraphs :-)

My talk of sales is also meant to encourage...If you have a think about your youth club, do you want to appeal to every age group or just some, do you have a target audience for any of your activities or is it just a free for all?

Most charities these days, create a mission statement for their organisations. It sounds cheesy but they actually take their time with this. They think, who will we help, how will we help them, how much do we need to do it this year. This mission statement governs their entire activities and gives them a focus.

I don't want to teach my granny to suck eggs but if you had a mission statement, together with a kind of handbook or collection of Ethos' (what is the plural of ethos?) then it might give you greater focus towards your personal/family goals.

If you have some kind of mission statement already then share it with everyone, so that they understand what you are striving for.

I still think a dog collar is a bad idea though. To me it is a representation of all that I have always hated about organised religion...We can beg to differ on that one :-)

Keep up your good work...I am always so interested in reading about what you are doing for your community.

Happy Christmas

john heasley said...

Everything has been taken as encouragement, thanks for the comments, to provoke discussion and debate is one of the reasons I write this blog and having a mission statement is probably a good idea, merry christmas.