Thursday, 18 October 2007


Yesterday, I, as is my way, got all self righteous and preachy about being ready to be persecuted and not always following authorities line. I then went and read my bible, and God, as his way, put me right, not that we should not be ready to be persecuted ( did I put that right), but in Romans 12, I am told to submit to authority, so even when I find it frustrating, I should submit to rightful authority.

Anyway, ( my favourite word.) Northern Ireland played football last night, and in a wonderful display, I was able to watch, thanks to the wonders of digital TV, a great 1-1 against Sweden.

Its great being the underdog, I always cheer for the underdog, I even, and this is hard to admit, but when England played rugby against Australia, I was behind England, you say why is that hard to admit, because England aren't usually the underdogs, and aren't very gracious with it.

Being humble is the key, so if Northern Ireland go on to win the European or world cup, I pray we stay humble.

1 comment:

The Wee Italian Chick said...

Great metaphor, John! I think Northern Ireland has actually strenghtened itself loads as a result of the common-places of being "a wee country", never winning much at now you are all unified fans, proud of your origins and all that. May be we should all learn a lesson on humility from the Northern Irish! Ihihi!