Friday, 4 May 2007


I am tired, I am very busy at work, Tanya is very tired, we have a 4 month old baby, its very easy for us to get grumpy with each other at the mo.
We were grumpy last night, I know I was in a bad mood. Anyway I was sitting on the toilet last night(nice picture eh) thinking, I should put this on my blog, as if blogging is some sort of answer. Maybe writing thoughts down is a form of therapy, is throwing it out into the world. Or am I just putting things down to justify myself, or out of ego, but most importantly, where am I taking my thoughts, my worries, to the feet of Blog, to the feet of Bloggers. I need to lay all my woes at Jesus feet, but use this place to express how I am doing that and why.
my kids at the moment have got this thing where when I am explaining something they say ' I know, its God', because my answers usually end in it being something about God, and that is my point, God is my answer.
Its ok to let off steam, to throw things into a debate, to freely express thoughts, but the answer isn't here.

I can tell you where it is though.

1 comment:

Tanya Heasley said...

Jesus 'is' the answer for me and some blogs have my questions.

When I paint I'm expressing myself. When I've finished a painting, do I hide it away so no one can see? No, I put it on display so that others may enjoy it. It is then that I recieve comments, (good and bad ones)which is what I want so that I can feel pleased for bringing pleasure to someone or so that I can improve on my brush strokes, compisition or theme.

Blogging is also a way for me to express myself. I like to ask questions, write comments or share my thoughts on blogs and to read others. Blogging can be a form of creativity, like painting is, like God, the altimate creator!

Jesus is my focus, and some of us focus on Jesus through blogging.