Saturday, 28 June 2008


Just wanted to share 2 things that happened this week, which confuse me as to how people think.

No.1. This week a ufo was spotted near a military base in Wales. I don't know the answer, but it was my brother in law that confused me. He is not a christian and in a conversation between my wife and sister, he had to butt in and ask, how do we explain these ufo's then. Amazing, a couple of soldiers say they see something in the sky, it is gospel, members of your own family tell you a real gospel, a real life, a real feeling and it goes straight over his head. I have heard that more people in the uk believe in ufo's and ghosts, than believe in God. Why? Maybe I will go into that more deeply next week.

No.2. I watched Friends this week. There is an episode where Phoebe is trying to pass on her nan's cookie recipe. She talks about her nan being 'down there' because she was not a very nice woman. It occured to me yet again, that people believe in hell, people believe that evil people will be punished. But people see themselves as good. I do want to know where this supposed invisible line is, the one where you have been good or have been bad. Are people just frightened of hearing that they may not be good, in a world where we are told 'because you are worth it.' Being told, no you're not, does not fit in. We all fall short, full stop. I sometimes wonder if this is a reason, so many celebrities don't know God, because they believe their own press, and if they didn't their world would come thrashing down. Sorry, I am getting distracted, this is deeper than the quick post I wanted to do, see you later.

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