Tuesday, 17 June 2008


My son Morgan is home educated, he is a big fan of things Chinese and Japenese and recently had a really great experience with Tony Anthony of Taming The Tiger fame, leading to him answering the call of God on his life, brilliant, anyway, he seems to think that China is the best thing since sliced bread, and although there are many things in the world that China has given and there are many great things about China now, I cannot stand the freedom that is not there, and in reaction to this, we have recently been doing some research on communism.
Staying specifically with China for a moment, I am trying to understand, is this the best course of government for such a populous and diverse country? is my view of life in China tainted, from a religous freedom point of view or even from a western media point of view? Is China really communist, in relation say to North Korea or the old USSR?
During the last couple of weeks, through a bit of research, I have spoken to Morgan abot Orwell's book, Animal Farm, I think that in China, some are more equal than others, therefore it is a failure of what it could have been, fact.
Getting to what I actually want to talk about, instead of trying to justify my thoughts on China, the big problem with communism, is it is a wonderful idea, a wonderful idea progressed forward by some inspirational idealists, forced onto those who it was meant to help.
People like Che Guerva, who I think was brilliant, and whose reasoning was born out of the struggles he had witnessed, were always going to be flawed at the point where an armed struggle was needed and people having to be forced to follow and kept in line. Communism in general replaced one form of oppression, with another.
Christianity, is freedom from oppression, freedom to follow, freedom of choice from a position of love. Still challenging, still should be sharing everything I have, still have a choice to make, still have leaders and one ultimate boss. It is not an idea, it is a reality.

1 comment:

Globegirl said...

Interesting to read your thoughts. I have come to the conclusion that the flaw with every form of government is the same, and that flaw is sinful human nature. A monarchy would be ideal if the monarch were not self-serving. Communism and socialism would be ideal if people didn't inherently think more of themselves than their fellow man. Even capitalism has the potential to be utopian, with everyone supplied the opportunity to build with their own hands the realization of their own potential, and providing a needed service or idea in the process. If only we humans weren't so incredibly selfish and sinful. (*sigh*)