Tuesday, 24 June 2008


I am going to continue my moan off at ways of thinking, I have been watching things happening in Zimbabwe, terrible things, people tortured and killed, people are so poor, people leaving the country in droves, and freedom does not seem any closer, the people will not be allowed to vote for what they wish.

I feel blessed with the freedom I have, but I am starting to worry about how much of a voice I have, I worry decisions are being made that I do not agree with and believe in, democracy seems to be being ignored. 'Ah' you say, when it comes to the next election, you will vote that government out, to be replaced by another group with the same policies dressed up differently, and then their are the decisions of Europe, which we have no say in whatsoever anyway we vote. Look at last week, Eire voted against the Lisbon treaty, there is talk of ignoring their vote, getting them to vote again or making some concessions. This is not democracy, or freedom.

I have been reading about Cromwell and the times of the civil war, todays politics remind me of the then rump parliament, they wanted things to stay where they were, them in control, no outsiders who could rock the boat. Cromwell had enough and ended it.

Todays politicians care about their job, but do not seem to stand for anything, at least you knew where you stood with Thatcher and Kinnock, now you have middle of the road politics, responding to the media or any other bandwagon they can get on, pushing through things that do them favours to the detriment of the people. There is no one else challenging, a few independents, with a conscience, if you don't vote for the big 2 you are wasting your time, reminds me of another country where politics stopped being about people.

What is the difference between a one party state, and a 2 party state with the same policies, where people choose on the basis of the lesser of 2 evils, and the top guys just swap jobs every few years. Where is Cromwell when you need him.


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure I agree with this. the point of democracy is that every voice is heard, and everyone has a chance. So it's not a waste of time if you vote for anyone apart from the big two, you are registering your disagreement with them, it just so happens that quite a lot of people DO happen to like the big two, which is most of the reason they get the majority of the votes? Sure some people do just jump on the bandwagon, but many actually do support the party they are voting for, or at least agree with their policies. I don't think a slight on democracy is fair just because you don't agree with what is going on?

Anonymous said...

hey that post isn't supposed to sound aggressive, just incase it does. It is rather, a question...